Purbi Singhbhum District is situated at the extreme corner of the South-East of Bihar, now Jharkhand. It has been formed after carving out 9 blocks from greater Singhbhum on 16th January 1990. From the industrial growth and mining quarrying point of view, district has a leading position in Jharkhand. Legendly it is said that in the past large number of lions were found in this area. Subsequently, this geographical area has been named as Singhbhum “Land of Lions”. Before independence the same area of this district was a part of old Manbhum District and Old Dhalbhum Estate. After independence it has been merged with the Greater Singhbhum. There is a Dalma wild animal sanctuary for elephants, which is very significant in scenario of the nation. The district consists of eleven blocks namely Golmuri-cum-Jugsalai (Jamshedpur), Potka, Patamda and Boram in Dhalbhum Sub-Division and Ghatshila, Musabani, Dumaria, Baharagora, Dhalbhumgarh, Chakulia and Gurabandha in Ghatshila Sub-Division. There are 231 Panchayat and about 1810 revenue villages out of which 1669 Revenue Villages are inhabited and rest 141 Revenue Villages are unhabitated. The Head Quarter of this district is Jamshedpur. The geographical area of the district is about 3533 Sq. Kilometers, which is about 2.03 % of the whole State. It is a part of Chhotanagpur Plateau. The district is rich in minerals and is found abundantly. Iron Ore, Copper, Uranium, Gold Kynite are the main minerals. The total population of District of Purbi Singhbhum is 22,91,032 with a total literacy rate 76.13 and sex ratio is 949.East Singhbhum Judgeship was bifurcated from the Judgeship of Chaibasa on 01.7.1991 and Sri Laxmanjee Jha became the First District & Sessions Judge of this Judgeship. The establishment at Jamshedpur Judgeship has two offices, the headquarter at Jamshedpur and Sub-divisional headquarter at Ghatshila. At present there are altogether 23 Judicial Officers are posted in the Civil Court, Jamshedpur including the Principal Judge, Family Court, Jamshedpur. At Sub-divisional Court, Ghatshila, there are altogether five Judicial Officers posted. Main Building of Civil Court, Jamshedpur consists of 40 Court Rooms, 01 Lok Adalat Hall, 01 Video Conferencing Hall and 01 Big Library, Conference Hall. Previously Mediation Centre and Legal Aid Clinic were also in main Civil Court Building but recently a separate building for Nyay Sadan, Jamshedpur has been inaugurated by the Hon’ble Mr. Justice Madan B. Lokur of the Supreme Court of India, New Delhi on 03.5.2014 and now this Nyay Sadan Building contains separate three Mediation Centres, Legal Aid Clinic and one Library. The Ghatshila Civil Court Building consists of 20 Court Rooms, 01 Mediation Centre and 01 Legal Aid Clinic. At present in the Jamshedpur Judgeship there are altogether 229 employees of Class III & IV are posted. The centralized filing system under the e-Courts Project has already been started in the Civil Court, Jamshedpur